Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tu vs. usted- life lessons in Spanish (no pics)

Most people have heard some of the embarrassing stories of a life lived while learning Spanish. How I accidentally told my boyfriend (the very first time we met) that I was married, and then told him I was pregnant. 
How I have confused words and accidentally told a child I was... "Excited" when I intended to say it was rather hot outside. 
How I almost got kicked out of my Spanish class in high school because my lack of studying for an oral exam caused me to say a horrible word in Spanish instead of saying "shellfish" like the teacher had asked. 
I have (way too) many stories of how my misunderstandings or misinterpretation of words have caused me to say some pretty embarrassing things. Usually it involves messing up or mis-saying a particular word. 
On our field trip Thursday, I apparently had an entire day of mishaps.
You see, in Spanish, there are two different ways to say "you."
For example, if I wanted to say "you are nice," I could say:
"Eres amable." Using the "tu" form of the verb, indicating I have a close relationship with the person. 
OR I could say 
"Usted es amable." Using the "usted" version of the verb. This indicates that I have more of a professional relationship, or that I have not gotten to know the person well yet. It's also used for people older than you, as a form of respect.  

For some reason, I always end up using the tu form when anyone. Whether I know them well, or we just met. It's a horrible habit I've gotten in. I don't know if in my mind I just feel like everyone's my friend or what! Hahaha
But it's a bad habit I keep meaning to break. It can come off as very disrespectful. Or, as I soon found out....

Anywho, so on our field trip, I kept speaking with our guide, Arturo, in the "tu" form when I would conjugate verbs. I would catch myself and try to correct myself, but inevitably I would mess it up over and over again. Sometimes catching it, sometimes not. 

About 1/2 way through our boat ride, Arturo calls his brother, and asks that I speak with him on the phone. It was rather confusing, and I'm still not too sure I understood why, other than his brother spoke English. He did this not once, but TWICE. :/ 

Well Friday during class, my teacher Angelica  says, "well, now do you understand why it's important to use the usted form of verbs?"

I didn't follow what she was saying...

She explained," You kept using the "tu" form of verbs when talking to Arturo. For some men, this indicates to them that you are very comfortable with them... It's a way of showing interest. He thought you were flirting with him! 

Well my goodness!! :/ Isn't that embarrassing!! You better believe I will be doing my VERY best to use the usted version of the verb, ESPECIALLY when speaking to men! :/ lol

Lesson learned. And I'm sure there are plenty more to come. :)

And there is your Spanish lesson for today, folks. ;) 


  1. HA HA HA oh that day in Spanish class... I remember it VIVIDLY lol. But you rock Kell! You are taking on something that few of us have the courage to do, so mistakes or not, you are awesome!!!

    1. Hahaha She thought I said it on purpose, remember?! Ugh....I think she even tried to get me suspended! :/ you'd have thought that would teach me to study more! lol
      And thanks! I still have a faaaaar way to go (obviously!!) but I'm learning a lot!! :)
