Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Finally here!! :)

Hey guys!!
After waking up at 3am, draggin my parents to the airport with me, a layover in Dallas-Ft. Worth, I made it! :) (Everything went even better than expected!! :))

I'm completely exhausted, and didn't take to many exciting pictures. I'll try to post some tomorrow morning. The one thing I wanted to make sure I said (other than I'm safe!)- There's a Sesame Place!!!! :) We drove by it on the way home from the airport! I tried to take a picture, but we were too fast. :)

Anyway just wanted to let y'all know i made it here safe and sound. :) We are not allowed to leave campus at any time unless going with the group to an assigned activity, there's a guard outside our gated/walled campus at night, and I am VERY safe! :) So stop worrying!!

Wanted to say hi and I love you to my momma and dad! I'm so happy y'all could take me to the airport, and say goodbye. :) I miss you already and love you SOO much! Thanks for everything you do to support me.

Ok, muuuuuuust rest.

Miss y'all already! :)


  1. I'm glad you made it safely!

    Have a great trip my dear! <3

  2. Hey girl! I'm glad you made it safe and are being guarded! :) Do you have access to Facebook? If not, email? I promised I would keep you informed of things here so I want to keep my promise. Angela and Michael need your prayers.

    Love you!

  3. Good morning sweet heart. It's 11:15 AM here and I got up about an hour ago. If I slept till 10 AM I KNOW you were beyond exhausted !!!! Hope you were able to sleep last night. I'm so glad to hear about the added safety. PLEASE be careful. You are such a trusting soul (not that that's a bad thinhg) but you always see the good in people and sometimes that can put you in danger in a different culture.
    I'm loving ya and missing ya and praying for you always. Mom

  4. Shawn- Thanks! :)
    Michelle- you can send me a facebook message! Please keep me posted!
    Mom- I slept like a ROCK!! :) It was beautiful! I have a feeling I will tonight also! :) I'm whooped! Also, I'm much more careful in Mexico than I am in Maryland- no need to worry. :) I know you still will, but you don't have to! :) Love you!
