Our first night out in Veracruz was fun! We took a walk as a group, and headed to a restaurant for dinner. The sea was beautiful and dinner was delicious! It was fun practicing Spanish with people we weren't comfortable with. Ordering from a waiter who didn't know any English, getting directions, and living life en español!! :)
Some pics of our night:
There are venders selling EVERYTHING you could imagine. They have no problem walking right up to your table while you're eating. :)
We had a beautiful view of a harbor during our dinner. :)
Some of my dinner buddies. :)
My other two dinner buddies. :)
Group selfie!!! Hahaha
My dinner: taquitos!!! :D soooo good
And some beautiful scenery on the way home:
Veracruz is a popular tourist spot and historical spot for Mexico, so they have a bunch of double-decker bus torus as well as boat tours. :)
Gorgeous harbor sunset!!
Pretty boat pics
A beautiful walk home to finish off a fun night! :)
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