Just in case you don't feel like clicking the link (I probably wouldn't), here's what it says:
How to be a rock star.
It’s easy. Here’s all it takes.
Spend more time practicing your dream than you do promoting your dream.
That’s it.
The Internet has made it ridiculously easy to promote your dream, your craft, your passion, your whatever. As someone who writes books and throws events, that is awesome. But that ease comes with a consequence.
The temptation is to spend more time on promoting what you’re doing instead of practicing what you’re doing. Honing your skills, putting in the hours to improve, working hard while no one is watching. Promoting makes people think you’re great. Practicing actually makes you great. There’s a huge difference between those two things.
Want to stand out from the clutter of social media and be a rock star?
Spend 10 hours practicing your dream for every 1 hour you spend promoting it.
Want to be a rock star even faster? Make that ratio 100 to 1.
If I’m being honest, I haven’t yet. I fall into the promotion vs. practice trap all the time. But the times when I focus on practice, I end up doing work that is vital, not just viral, and that matters more to me and probably you too.
Question:What are some ways you “practice” your dream?
Now, I don't want to be a famous writer, or sing on stage for millions- I want to spread the love of Jesus. I want kids who feel alone and abandoned know an unconditional love that makes them feel whole and restored. I want to connect with people and create deep, honest, transparent relationships of encouragement and accountability. I want to see addictions broken, relationships restored, and lives changed through the love of Christ. So, do I practice? Do I try everyday to show the forgiveness, grace, love, and joy that has been given to me? Sadly, no. Do I get into the Word, spend time in some serious prayer? Do I live out the life-altering change I want to see in Mexico? No again.
Instead, I spend time scheduling fundraisers, telling everyone who will listen what I will be doing and how desperately I need sponsors. Have I even once truly sat down and asked God how He wants to provide money for my expenses while in Mexico? If I'm honest, nope. I've been too busy promoting. Sure, I've asked OTHERS to pray. Sure, I've shot up a, "God-PLEASE help me get some sponsors." "Lord, I trust you....but I really need to get some dinero in my account" "Please let this fundraiser go well!!" etc etc.... But God doesn't want my drive-through prayers, He wants my heart.
So....as I was casually reading all the blog posts I have piling up simply to clear the list, God gave me a little wake up call.
"Stop promoting yourself, and start talking to me"