I'm a firm believer that God does care about your life. Even the little details- like searching all over God's green earth for a flippin' pair of capris! And because of that, I pray. Sometimes it's just idle chatter, ("God, I could really use green lights all the way to work- I'm cuttin' it close here!") sometimes it's serious stuff, sometimes it's just cause I need to talk and He's the only one there to hear me rant!
I often take it for granted that God listens to me. I talk without expecting Him to listen, ask without expecting Him to answer... I basically just talk. Sometimes because it makes me seem less crazy than if I were talking to myself! :)
Anyway, back to my God moment in Kmart! So I've been on the capri hunt for a bit now, trying to find a few decent pairs (or even one pair!) for an equally decent price. I'm sorry, but I'm just not spending $20 on a pair of pants I'm probably going to ruin working in Mexico!
So I pull into Kmart's parking lot, as a desperate last resort after trying Walmart, Target, thrift stores, blah blah blah, to no avail. As I put the car in park, I simply let out a little exasperated prayer; "Help me out God- it's crunch time and I'm BROKE! They kinda frown on us walking around without pants on in Mexico, and I can't think of any other options."
I went in, fully expecting to yet again not find a single pair of capris, but instead I hit the MOTHER LOAD!! I'm not even exaggerating, I walked into that fitting room with about 15 pairs of capris and 10 shirts! I was so excited! And to make it even better, some of them actually FIT! I couldn't believe it. Here's what I ended up with:
How cool is that?!
And that's kind of where it hit me: I pray without expecting God's going to do anything about it. I asked God to help me, and was surprised when He did! That's not cool. I know it may seem like I'm over-spiritualizing things, but it really showed me a little bit about myself.
Same thing happened with my MacBook! I had spent a WHILE working a lot of overtime and saving big time to pay for a MacBook. I finally saved the desired amount, but I really felt God nudging me to use that money to pay for my trip, instead of asking people to sponsor me like last time. I reluctantly agreed, sighed, and said goodbye to my MacBook. :(
I remember praying, "God, this isn't something I need. But I REALLY want it. Can you make it happen?" And He did! My parents were really generous, and I had a surprise alteration to my tax return which covered almost the whole thing.
So here I am, typing on a computer I totally don't deserve, getting ready to pack clothes I shouldn't have been able to afford, to go on a trip I am totally unworthy to go on. I'm not being down on myself here people, I'm just explaining how cool it is that God still chooses to bless me, even though I'm a mess. :) it's pretty cool, if ya ask me.
One thing I've realized with this whole blog thing: I'm really wordy. If I'm going to write this blog, and expect people to actually READ it, I'm going to have to be a tad more concise. :) Bear with me!
I'm hoping that once I get to Mexico, this will become more of a picture blog; a place where I post some pictures from the day, and the main part of my writing will just involve explaining what the pictures are. As of right now, I can only take so many pictures of my wardrobe, and will hopefully (SOON!) have a before/after picture of my first empty, then full suitcase!! (Nope, STILL haven't started. :P)
Laundry time! (which hopefully= start packing time!)
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